Optimized images for OBS


Active Member
I downloaded the 28.0.1 ZIP for Windows and then used FileOptimizer to losslessly optimize the largest PNG. This was data\obs-plugins\win-dshow\placeholder.png. The original file was 314,050 bytes and optimized file was 306,689 bytes, 97% of original size with a savings of 7,361 bytes. This took about 44 minutes on my i5-3470S.
I then saved both images as BMPs with Paint and both of those files were the same size at 6,220,854 bytes. I also used https://www.diffchecker.com/image-diff/ to compare the 2 PNGs and the difference shown was all black so I assume they are the same. I know it's not a lot space and I don't know if it's worth it to continue but I'm just trying to contribute with some CPU cycles. I don't know how to program at all or how to use GitHub. Attached are the 2 PNGs. placeholder-opt.png is the optimized version.


  • placeholder.png
    306.7 KB · Views: 14
  • placeholder-opt.png
    299.5 KB · Views: 13
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