Question / Help Optimal resolution for captured window


New Member
Could someone please suggest ways of improving the resolution of window captures? I am capturing text from a window; although legible, the video is slightly blurry. I am new to OBS, so am probably missing something obvious. The problem appears to be cross platform -- happens both on Windows and Linux -- as well as independent of which program is driving the captured window.

I have multiple monitors (on 2 separate machines): 1280x1024, 1920x1080, 1366x768 (laptop), as well as an external android device at 2560x1600. I've tried various settings for the canvas resolution with no visible effect, but have been assuming that this setting should match the screen with the window I'm trying to capture. I'd like to output at 720p, but have also tried matching my screens; again, no visible effect. The source window and video are clearly not quite the same. Scaling is set to Lanczos; FPS to 30; recording to MP4. The text is legible, but just blurry enough to be annoying. If I instead capture the screen, rather than a window, the resolution is noticeably better, even if I only capture part of the screen, and even if I then resize it within OBS. Unfortunately, that requires keeping the window in the foreground, for which I don't have enough real estate. And even then, I believe there's some blurriness, although not quite enough to complain about.

(My actual target is streaming to Zoom via VirtualCam, and I need the screen space for Zoom and OBS. But the problem is already present when recording; it's not due to either VirtualCam or Zoom. And my desired source is the Android device, captured using scrcpy. But again, the problem is already present with, say, Acrobat displaying a PDF file, so the problem is not being caused by either scrcpy or the tablet, although the effect is noticeably more apparent with handwritten text on the tablet than printed text.)

What am I doing wrong? Surely there's some way to ensure that every pixel in the window is being recorded, without scaling? So that at the very least I can make a movie that displays on my own screen exactly as the original? As I said, I'm new to video altogether, but something doesn't seem right.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Active Member
If you would like to output at 720p without scaling, you would need to set the canvas to 1280x720.


New Member
Understood; thank you. Doesn't make as much difference as I'd hoped, but does appear to be slightly better. I suspect there are issues with the resolution of the underlying windows themselves, which I'm not sure how to control. Will play with those settings and see what happens. But I believe you've answered my OBS question. Again, thank you.