OpenVR input Plugin works but i have a question about what other can see in stream.

The same theme on reddit but no aswer untill yet.

The goal:
To captcher the soure with EDFX like this video:
The example

Lets it shorter now.

The "OpenVR input" plugin use the source from my PSVR. Thats okey ! but…
not the "Elite: Dangerous Client" where all my EDFX/Reshade settings are.
If i do a stream the visitor just can see the sourse and a little bit of filters. Colorcorrection and so on.... not EDFX/Reshade
Is somthing out there, may more filter options like EDFX witch we can install at the correct folder place from "OpenVR input" ?

I need some genius possibilities ;)

Have a nice weekend.