Question / Help Opening more than OBS copy in MAC OS X - Steps inside


New Member

I was looking for a way to stream multi destination with OBS in Mac OS X.

And I found a way to duplicate the software more than 2 copys, and I'm not sure if its ok with that or not.

I will post the steps and let the developers tell us if its ok with that or not.

Download the first and original version of OBS and put it in the Application folder.

Right click on the application > Click on Duplicate > it will duplicate the application
Right click on the duplicated version > Choose Get info > Go to Name & Extension > Clear the name and write: >
Click Enter.
You will notice the icon appears like the original version.

Now you can use 2 OBS in the same time.

But I'm facing problem :D hahaha

How can I direct an audio to my OBS ? for example:

Im opening EyeTV and window screening it, I want to get the audio from the EyeTV not from the desktop source.

Got it ?

Anyone can help me with that ?

And hope I helped with my steps in duplicating OBS :)

Thanks a lot,