Bug Report OpenGL window rescales to 4:3


New Member
First of all - THANKS for the work. Even this Alpha-Version works like a charm already except some minor problems.

My biggest is that the OpenGL windows (in this case CS:GO) is rescaled from 16:10 (1680:1050) to a 4:3 format - so it does not display or stream in real fullscreen.

Is there any workaround already for this problem?

Second: When I simply recorded my gameplay the OpenGl window was suddenly zoomed in that much that only the top left corner was beeing recorded.

Again - thanks for your work - it will help the linux-gaming-effort tremendously !

Not really anything there in the log file, but it sounds like you have some errant transformations. Right-click on the source, (the one that captures the game window), then Transform > Reset Transform.

If this doesn't work correctly, then you might need to setup the transformation manually. If that becomes a necessity, experiment with the bounding box settings to see if that gives an acceptable result.

On the other hand, some games will start out at the wrong aspect ratio, even though they stretch themselves full screen. That might be another thing to investigate.