Question / Help One Webcam in multiple Scenes seems not be possible


New Member
Hi all,

as i understood correctly i can have a lot of Scene Collection with a lot of Scenes in them. A Scene is a collection of Sources and i am trying the following:

1. Have a scene with full screen desktop (for showing e.g. development) and a small PIP with the web cam in the right upper corner. This works fine.
2. I want to have an additional Scene where i want to have only the Webcam in Full size. Here i can select the Video Capture Device, but i have no picture and i cannot place it on the "screen"

Isn't it possible to use the Webcam within multiple Scenes? Or what am i doing wrong?


Active Member
When adding the Video Capture Device source to the second Scene, click the 'Add Existing' radio button instead of Add New.

Video capture devices (like webcams) generally can only be accessed by one program at a time, due to how their drivers work. Each VCD Source counts as a separate 'program'. So when the second VCD tries to activate the camera, the first one already has 'grabbed' it, and the second one fails. Add Existing just uses the same VCD, so it's still just one 'program' accessing the camera.

I've requested that Add Existing be the default behavior to avoid exactly this issue, as it's pretty common with new users. Really should be using the 'existing' sources for everything if possible, so you don't have a bunch of duplicates wasting system resources.


New Member
Hi all!
This is all good, and I'm already using a capture source in multiple scenes BUT I have a pretty big problem with this method: any filter applied to the capture source in the first scene that was created, apply automatically to any other scene where the same sources is used! :-(

@FerretBomb: I have my webcam image cropped and masked in my main scene (using filters). So now, when I insert the same webcam to a new scene (by selecting from the list of existing sources) it always appears masked and cropped. I cannot get access to the original feed of the webcam any more.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there any workaround?
I tried using the "deactivate source when not used" option in all scenes, which is a "kind of" remedy but if it only works when I switch via a third scene (which does not contain the said webcam as source). When I switch between the two scenes (both contain the camera source) directly, then the camera does not have enough time to de-activate and then re-activate in the new scene. As a result, it does not appear in the new scene.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!