Offline notification from disconnection


New Member
I have been using OBS for a little over two years and something I think it could benefit from would be a notification to let the streamer know that their upload has dropped to zero.

A few times when connected in various ways such as WIFI or ethernet I have been streaming and have lost connection to the server due to a hiccup or what not, I do not see that I have lost connection because I am invested in my project or game, meanwhile chat thinks I have logged off with no warning, the kbs drops to zero, but I am unaware of this because it is hard to focus on such a small number in the bottom of the screen. I understand the upload has a green/yellow/red but again its hard to keep up with that ands the project or game at hand.

What I am asking for would be a on screen message or sound alert that lets the streamer know that they are not streaming to avoid talking to a chat, that to them it appears that I have gone offline