Odd shape "masking"


New Member
I play piano, and I have a side camera the capture a side view
I cropped the right side so that less of my body shows.
that's not enough, I would a specific shape area or odd shapes areas to be covered in black to cover he rest of my body.
I tried to just put a black image and rotate it, but the problem, when I begin to play, my hand covers by that object.

Any help,
much appreciated
Thank you


New Member
Thank you lebaston100 for the response
from what I understand you need a pre made mask first then apply it
that is the issue. the shape in question is an odd share think of it as different size triangle that each side has to be adjusted to fit
Thank you
Hope this makes sense
But the camera angle won't change right? It's static. So just take a screenshot of the camera source, import that into your favorite image editor and then paint over it with black and white. Then export the mask and load it into the filter.