Occasional Small Stutter


New Member
Hi All,

This is my first post to the forum and hoping to get some help. I have noticed that my stream / recording will occasionally stutter. It is not egregious, but I am perplexed how people can have silky smooth recordings with no issue.

When I am watching the task manager my cpu and gpu are well below 75%. This has been happening in Dragon's Dogma, which is an older game, but occurs in all games to an extent. I'm trying to troubleshoot from a recording perspective and just taking streaming out of the equation.

A couple of additional details that may help.
  • I have two monitors connected, a 2k 144 hz monitor and a 4k 60hz monitor. However, this issue occurred prior to having the 144hz monitor.
  • I've also used the stats section of OBS and it is showing no issues. When the stuttering occurs the stats remain at 60 fps and no skipped / dropped frames appear
  • Game is set in Nvidia panel to 60 fps and vsync is on (occasionally the nvidia framerate tool will show 61 fps is achieved in game)

Here is my log just to show my settings: the stuttering did occur during this brief recording: https://obsproject.com/logs/YDhYTbvqenw-trIf

Willing to try whatever approaches y'all think would be effective. Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any questions.



New Member
Hi Koala - thank you for your note. Sorry it took me so long to troubleshoot.

I've corrected the issues highlighted in the analyzer, but the small stuttering throughout the recording still persists. I'm not worried about the tiny encoder and rendering lag as they usually occur when I start the game. This is my newest log.

I should also highlight that the game is smooth on my monitor and only lags on the recording.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions or remedies. I am open to uploading footage if that would help.

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Active Member
Logs aren't showing any appreciable rendering/encoding issues. What program are you using to play back the video?


New Member
Hi Carlmmii - Thanks for your response. I am using VLC and it's a .mkv file. Would that possible have an affect on it?



Active Member
No, that is the most reliable playback method, which means that most likely the problem is with the actual capture of the game before it's composited/encoded.

Just for troubleshooting...
- Change your monitor refresh rate to 60fps
- Run your game with Vsync if possible
- Try using display capture instead of game capture (try this after doing the above)

You may also want to consider updating to the 2004 windows release.


New Member
Hi Carlmmii - thanks again for the possible solutions.

I've changed the refresh to 60hz, ran the game with vsync, capping the game at 60 fps, downloaded windows 2004, and also tried display capture. They unfortunately did not fix the issue.

Let me know if anything else comes to mind that could be causing these slight slowdowns while recording.



New Member
Update: Tried in Window capture mode and it seemed to have slightly better results, but the stutter is still there. Any further ideas?



New Member
Had this since moving from Windows 7. Multiscreen setup here, sparodic but regular pulses of microstutter in preview and recording, occuring at between 10 and 20 second intervals. No discernible issues in the OBS logs. Issue seems resolved, or less severe, if the secondary monitors are completely unplugged.

No resolution, yet there are many anecdotal solutions for multi-monitor woes in this forum and the internet in general.


New Member
@TheChill please post a recent log with the issue.

It passes the OBS Analyzer. There are no outstanding issues. Can't speak for AMD hardware, since I've not ran AMD-anything in near enough 10 years, but this issue has been following me for several years and doesn't manifest under a single display setup (the setup I'm running now has two panels running off the discrete GPU and one panel running off the iGPU, though it also manifests with all panels running off the discrete GPU).


New Member
Change your preset from Max Quality to Quality.

No difference. None of the quality presets, low or high, ever make the slightest difference. Still micro-stuttering in preview (whether recording or not), still micro-stuttering in recordings.