Question / Help OBS works, sees my webcam, but now i need it to see my Elgato HD60 Pro


New Member
running it in Fedora 22 under normal Gnome, since Wayland wont boot it at all, but it definetly works, i even can stream to Twitch and see my webcam where i put it

but now the next issue is having it find my Elgato, which is connected right to the pci express port, my bios screen shows a device there

i was able to install the Elgato software in WINE but when i try to launch it, it just spins a few seconds then disappears

this is a fairly new device(within the last month, released) so i would think it already has fairly new drivers preinstalled and would work as-is
I second Osiris, however knowing linux there's probably some nerd somewhere that wrote a custom driver for Elgato. Might not be very good, but probably better than having to dual-boot a windows just for streaming (which is an option too, btw).

You'll have to look for Elgato drivers for linux online, I have way too little experience with Elgate capture cards to do it myself. At least not without knowing the exact model of your Elgato. BTW, what "fairly new device" are we talking about here?


New Member
The only linux Elgato drivers I know of are here and are reverse engineered for the original Elgato Game Capture HD.
I don't have an Elgato capture device of any kind, and I didn't look too much into this reverse engineered driver, so I can't speak to how well it works or if it would work at all for the HD60 or HD60 Pro.

BTW, what "fairly new device" are we talking about here?

He says it in the title "HD60 Pro" it's Elgato's PCI-E capture card.