Question / Help OBS Won't Record steadily at 60 FPS When Set to "60 FPS"


New Member
I have "Video" in "Settings" and set the "Common FPS Values" to "60", yet I can't seem to have OBS record steadily at 60 FPS when I start my recording. I know OBS can't record in more than 60 FPS, but it's not even running at 60 for most of the time. If there is no movement on the screen then at the bottom right of my screen it says "60.00 fps". If any movement starts to happen in the game, then it instantly starts to drop around 30.00 and will occasionally drive back up to 60.00 when movement within the window starts to slow down. From my perspective of the game I am having perfect FPS with an average of 300-400, but OBS won't even catch it's 60. This makes high quality gaming recordings in OBS impossible for me. I run my source through "Game Capture (Syphon)" and have no other "Scenes" or "Sources" being recorded except for the single one I have created. If there's no obvious fix someone can give me, can someone please give me a list of all things which will effect OBS's FPS rate?


1. You should have posted a log.

2. Running a game without vertical sync or a frame rate limiter will frequently cause performance issues with OBS because your GPU will be maxed out. Enable vsync or set a reasonable frame rate limit that your GPU can handle without hitting 100% usage. If that's not enough you may also need to turn down some of the video quality options in the game.


New Member
Okay, thank you. That makes sense. I think I understand why OBS is acting this way now, since in the game I have v-sync turned off and my FPS set to infinite (as much as my computer can handle) and it's sucking up all my GPU. Is there a way I can get more GPU? Or do I need a better graphics card? I use a Macintosh made in 2012, but the graphics card has been replaced in the last year after the old one died after being recalled.


If you bought a better GPU, and not turn on v-sync or frame rate limiting, you'll just be giving the game more fps (and chewing up more CPU to help keep the GPU fed) and not fixing the root issue.

As to getting more GPU, you do that by buying one more powerful than what you have...and your GPU is (for all intent and purposes) your graphics card.