Question / Help OBS won't let me select primary display in Display Capture


New Member
Issue is in the title. I have posted two logs in my pastebin, the top one is the one I'm using now where I can't capture my primary display. The bottom one is what I used before where I didn't have the issue. I switched because I couldn't have captures larger than 512MB.

The monitor I want to capture is the same as where I capture my gameplay. The two screens I can Display Capture are a 1920x1080 TV connected through HDMI and a 1280x1024 monitor connected through Displayport to VGA. My primary display is 2560x1440 connected through Displayport.

"output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={2560, 1440}, attached=true" is the one I want to capture.
You will also see "output 3: pos={-3840, 233}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true" in the bottom log file and not the top one. This is my TV, which I disable in display settings when I'm not using it.