OBS with FREE Amazon E2


New Member

I would like to set up a 24/7 audio stream with obs and only a fixed image as a background.

In your opinion, the E2 Amazon web service, the free plan, is enough for running obs?

I have tried to install on my Windows 2016server capped at 1 CPU of i5 2300 with 2Gb RAM and seems work well


OBS doesn't do audio only and it always requires a OpenGL 3.2 or DirectX 10.1 cabable GPU which most Amazon EC2 instances do not have. You are better off using something like ffmpeg.


New Member
Yeah, I have wrongly written audio only but there will be a video displaying current track artwork and artist + background. So actually the free EC2 (should be the mini one) don't have OpenGL to use OBS...

Because I don't know if ffmpeg has a plugin to display the current track playing with cover etc