New Member
I cannot seem to get OBS to install whenever I run the installer and specifically only OBS I get the following error i was hoping that someone might have a solution because it was working fine a month ago then i decided to remove it and use another program, came back and now it wont install.
Error is as follows
"A Required Privelage Is Not Held By The Client"
I am on a admin account and everything works as it should but OBS refuses to install on any windows 10 pc I own all have the current updates.
I cannot seem to get OBS to install whenever I run the installer and specifically only OBS I get the following error i was hoping that someone might have a solution because it was working fine a month ago then i decided to remove it and use another program, came back and now it wont install.
Error is as follows
"A Required Privelage Is Not Held By The Client"
I am on a admin account and everything works as it should but OBS refuses to install on any windows 10 pc I own all have the current updates.