Question / Help OBS wih RME Fireface


New Member
Hi, the Problem:I can´t select in OSB the Channels from my RME Fireface UC.i can only set Fireface UC MAC - no single Channels.

So i have no Audio in my OSB.
In RME i´ve routet my input to AN 1/2 and press Loopback. No Signal.
See the pics.

I hope you can help me

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-11 um 19.42.52.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-11 um 19.40.47.png


Active Member
OBS is a stereo program, it can't natively work with multichannel devices.

Look at LoopBack by Rogue Amoeba.


New Member
Hey, I've got an RME Fireface as well (though, on Windows, which splits the RME channels into stereo pairs).

I'd suggest building an Aggregate Device in the Audio settings and just grabbing a couple channels from your RME with that. See if that helps?


New Member
Hey, I've got an RME Fireface as well (though, on Windows, which splits the RME channels into stereo pairs).

I'd suggest building an Aggregate Device in the Audio settings and just grabbing a couple channels from your RME with that. See if that helps?

is it actually possible to do that on a mac? Aggregate Device doesn't see to let me exclude Ins or Outs in order to transform my UCX into a stereo device.