OBS Virtual Camera index


New Member

I've been working with OBS virutal camera, and it's fine when I know the virtual camera index, however this isn't very predictable in different machines, is there any meta data I can look for when testing all my camera index?

I've been relying on stack position but this also isn't very predictable.


Active Member
Don't know what operating system you're on, but I solved it on Linux by copy/pasting the line that starts the loopback, from OBS's source code to my own script, and then setting that script to run as root on startup. Add a number that is well out of the way of the automatic ones, and it's always at that index and works and doesn't rearrange the physical captures anymore.
modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 card_label='OBS Virtual Camera' video_nr=99