Question / Help OBS useless without NDI


New Member
i've posted multiple times, to no available. i get this is open source, but my last post appears to have been deleted.

i have the latest everything: catalina, obs, ndi, skype. no matter what i do, and i have done all i can find to do, every time i launch i get "NDO Runtime not found" and there's no NDI plugin, source, or anything. pretty disappointing.


New Member
Even i that i am a beginner i did find this out quickly.
a simple 2 step process
Starting with obs-ndi 4.8.0, the NDI runtime is not installed automatically anymore.

  1. Download and run obs-ndi-4.9.0-macOS.pkg (provided below)
  2. Install the NDI 4.5.1 macOS runtime using the installer provided here:


New Member
Even i that i am a beginner i did find this out quickly.
a simple 2 step process
Starting with obs-ndi 4.8.0, the NDI runtime is not installed automatically anymore.

  1. Download and run obs-ndi-4.9.0-macOS.pkg (provided below)
  2. Install the NDI 4.5.1 macOS runtime using the installer provided here:
Every single time I get this message, I download this file, and it continues to say NDI Runtime Not Found upon launch.