Bug Report obs studio multiple instances not saving separately


New Member
while obs studio can run multiple instances link to how here https://youtu.be/d_14KsWslxc it cannot save your settings separately for each instance unlike the original obs. if i am wrong i would love to be shown how it is done because following the directions in the video does not save the settings separately. and the ppl on the community chat told me to also try making a new profile but it just opens two separate ones in the same profile everytime. only work around would be to change the save file location every time u wanted to record. which should work but be very very annoying.


New Member
i now get it to say portable mode at the top when i open it but the settings revert to w/e setting i put in last. for example: if i set the first instance to record to videos/obsrecordings then hit apply then ok. then move to the second instance and set it to record to videos/obsrecording/webcam hit apply then ok and close them both down and reopen both, both instances are now set to record to videos/obsrecordings/webcam


New Member
hopefully there is an update for this soon as i would really like to record my gameplay and camera separately. i tried on the 64 bit and the 32 bit.