Question / Help OBS Studio losing game audio


New Member
There are a lot of components involved in this setup, so I'm not sure if I'm in the right place for help, but I'm starting here to see if y'all know what might be going on.

My setup looks like this:
Nintendo Switch -> Elgato HD60 S -> Macbook Pro 2018 (Intel i7 2.2 ghz, 16GB) -> OBS Link -> OBS Studio w/ NDI source

This setup often works totally fine, but sometimes I'll completely lose game audio from the NDI source. In the audio mixer on OBS Studio, the NDI source audio monitor bars go dead, and on my stream there's no game audio. While this is happening, mic/aux or other audio sources will still be working and audible on stream. The game audio is also still playing out of the television.

I haven't found any way to reliably bring back the audio, but it always comes back on its own after a random amount of time.

I have a log file from the last time it happened:

Thanks for your help, let me know if I should take this up with Elgato instead, or how I might be able to tell where the problem is originating.


New Member
Howdy, got another log file of it here:

I'm guessing these log lines are a source of trouble:
20:29:05.181: fill_buffer: AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer failed: -66632
20:29:05.181: fill_buffer: Failed to enqueue buffer

Not sure how I can prevent this from happening or fix it while it is happening. Perhaps my Macbook is just underpowered for streaming?