Bug Report OBS Studio last version and "Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star"


New Member

I have a issue with the last version (February 22) of OBS Studio and the game "Graviteam Tactics Operation Star": the OBS don't capture the game with "Game Capture" (I have tried with the options "Window" and "Capture any fullscreen application, checking all the options: anti-cheap compatibility, multy-adapter compatibility, etc).

The point is that with the previous version, I could capture the game with the "Game Capture" (actually I could capture it with the two options, "Window" and Capture any fullscreen application").

P.D: I can capture the game with "Window Capture", but the quality of the image is too low.

Bye and thanks


New Member
Hi again:

Sorry, I forgot the log:


And yes, I know the differents ways to solve the "black screen" issues. I am using BSO for a long time and I have found that problem long time ago (and how the topic says, the "black screen" used to be solve running OBS with administrator privileges or checking the "anti-cheat compatibility mode"), but this time the problem looks different (for now, the only game that the new version of OBS Studio can not capture is this).

Bye and thanks.

Suslik V

Active Member
Hi again,

So, you have a black screen...Do you see a red rectangle (bounding box) of the game source in preview window (when you pause the game and alt-tabbing to OBS Studio)?

Also, try to check 'Capture any fullscreen application'.


New Member
Yes, I see the red borders (I used "Transform>>Fit to Screen" to be sure) and yes, I have tried checking "capture any fullscreen application" too.

How I said before, it is weird, because with the previous version of OBS Studio didn't have any problem with the game (an with the "old" version of OBS I can also capture it without problems).

P.D: Doing more tests, I see that, sometime, OBS capute the first screen (the main menu) of the game, but when I click some of the options, the black screen returns.



New Member
Hi again:

Ok, I have found the problem with this game... and it is the application SweetFX. I hope that you know what is SweetFX: it is practically something similar to the ENBSeries, in other words, an application that the people used to do that the games look better (color palette, lights, shadows, tc).

If I activate SweetFX in a game, OBS Studio can't capture it (I have tested other games too), if I don't use SweetFX OBS Studio capture the game without problems.
