Bug Report OBS Studio issues...


Well the list is huge.
Gave that strange piece of buggy software a try today, again after like 3 months of not touching it and waiting for updates.

Here is the last log:
Stream went offline, monitor capture and webcam > frozen, cant get the preview to work.
And yes i needed monitor capture for DOOM, no questions here since Vulkan capture is still not implemented.

First: OBS crashed multiple times.
Second: Webcam does not show up or freezes often. For the first start i actually have to go to webcam settings and only then it will initialise.
Third: monitor capture was not working properly 70% of the time.
Last one: when my GPU is at 99-100% load, my preview is laggy as hell.

What you dont know: CPU is overclocked to 4,5Ghz on all cores, 4,1Ghz on cache. GPU is overclocked to 1529Mhz core - everything rocksolid and passes even prime95 with AVX over hours and hours.
Without a stream everything runs like a dream, DOOM with Vulkan at 4K DSR and ultra? 100+ FPS everywhere.
The only thing that gives me a hard time is streaming, no matter what i try - i cant get OBS (both, classic and studio) to a rocksolid condition. Btw same goes for Xsplit and Wirecast etc, every other software out there is not 100% stable - this is a nightmare in a live environment.


1. Sometimes the webcam has acted funky for me as well. Usually just opening the properties window clears it up for me, but sometimes I've had to change a setting or 2 and then it snaps back on. I can say that so far in 0.16.2 for me I haven't had that issue. That said I did update to the latest Windows 10 updates (including the AU), and also updated my Logitech drivers at the same time.

2. Seeing as that the preview is generated on and by the GPU, if you load your GPU all the way up with other things, OBS' performance will suffer. Kinda like running a CPU intensive task in the background and then complaining that your system is running slowly. Free up some GPU/CPU and let OBS work... unless you don't want OBS to work. Cause if you don't, then max out your GPU... like you're currently doing.

3. You'll need to provide more detail about monitor capture not working 70% of the time...unless it's a Vulcan game you're trying to capture...then you should run it in OpenGL mode.

Side note here: If streaming was that important to you, you would run the game in the mode that works. In this case, that's OpenGL when using OBS Studio.

4. If you wanted to capture Doom, you could run Doom in OpenGL mode, but I guess that's drops performance too much...Even though every benchmark out there has both modes within a few percentage points of each other.

5. You have a 'bad' GPU (NVidia GTX970), that has a known issue with memory partitions and speed. Several users reported that their OBS performance was inconsistent with this card. If they swapped it out for a different card (AMD anything 7xxx+, NVidia GTX650+, 980, 980ti, etc. - basically anything within the past 4 years but a GTX970) the issue went away. Anandtech documented the issue when the card first came out, and NVidia had a class action lawsuit filed against them (with them now having to issue 'refunds' due to the issues with that GPU), so you might want to look into getting your refund, and replacing that defective GPU.
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1) OBS classic worked great for 3 years for me. Studio was never stable. But right now i get a texture error and classic crashes randomly.
2) Most games that i play dont offer an option to limit FPS. I can use vsync but it has issues as you know. So i run uncapped unless i run into noticeable tearing (and this is rare). Like i said, i want all my GPU power for the game, so not only the stream is smooth but also my gameplay - i want to enjoy it too. And in the case with DOOM - Vulkan offers way better performance on 4K DSR with the 970, it actually never dropped below 79 FPS. This is why i forked over some cash and moved from a hot 4770k to a 5820k and watercooled it - so my CPU can handle all that crap. There is no game that can overload that 6core beast, on the GPU side - there is not a single GPU that can overpower latest games and have 60FPS and enough steam left for background tasks. Not even the current Titan X(P) can maintain 4K 60FPS minimum.And SLI has issues too.
3) Like i said, i use monitor capture only for games that cant be captured via game or window capture. Not a newbie, i use the software over 3 years already. I expect it to be a bit worse than game capture, but withhin 5-10%, not that bad where i expirience crashes, freezes and other strange and untrackable issues.
4) Look at 2) - i want to run DOOM at ultra in 4K without AA and my GPU is clearly capable of that - with Vulkan. Thats the future, it gives a decent boost and should not be ignored. It should be pushed forward, specially now where support is added to multiple engines.
5) I know that the 970 is "special". But Nvidia managed it very well with drivers. And i cant even get the 30$ since i dont live in USA :D I am very happy with the GPU so far, but it will be replaced with the 1080Ti sooner or later. Not because i hate the 970, mostly because i jump on the 4K train and need horsepower without selling my house for a GPU (yeah i look at the Titan X for 1299€....)
6) I'm a gamer, audio enthusiast, builder and overclocker. And i can do many things, but i cant code. I need google to fix some simple HTML crap. Not everybody can do that, but i expect guys who run projects to keep up with the technology and sometimes even be ahead - be the first who implements current technology (that is still in development).
I can offer my help with testing all that stuff on a fairly powerful rig, in any form you wish - logs, videos, text, audio, even hand written letters. But i will not dig around in the code, thats not my cup of tea. Just like i dont tell coders how to watercool, overclock or mod PCs - they get a rocksolid, primestable system from me, i want a rocksolid, stable software in return.
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