Question / Help OBS STUDIO IS BROKEN...


Hello so i am on the newest version of Obs studio 0.13.4. and i tried streaming and recording and the end the result was that i have full audio on my recording but when i go watch my stream back. I have just my Microphone and people ingame talking, But no game audio at all. Now that is really cool that i can stream and record and acutally get audio for my recording but i would like for people who watch my stream to hear everything aswell. This is a ongoing problem for i had the recent versions of obs studios aswell and this problem acutally just made unistall obs studio and just use the regular obs for streaming. But i would like to record and stream at the sametime.

This is the Result of the stream...

If anybody has any fixes out there that will help me have audio for both Streaming and Recording that would be insanly helpfull.


Forum Admin
Are you sure you configured your audio mixer settings to have the same output for both streaming and recording?


Are you sure you configured your audio mixer settings to have the same output for both streaming and recording?
The only thing i see that can work is that on the output streaming tab i choose 1 one audio track.Can that effect the game audio?
Can you post screenshots of the following Audio configuration pages please so we can see how you have things set up?

Edit, Advanced Audio Properties
Settings, Output, Streaming
Settings, Output, Recording
Settings, Audio