OBS Studio desde Linux


New Member
Hola, un saludo desde Cuba. Necesito contactar con personas que que utilicen OBS Studio desde sistemas operativos Linux, preferiblemente desde Debian. Mi correo es: braniegi@gmail.com. El objetivos es intercambiar experiencias en el uso de plugins, filtros, etc. Muchas gracias.


Active Member
Google Translation:
Hello, greetings from Cuba. I need to contact people who use OBS Studio from Linux operating systems, preferably from Debian. My email is: braniegi@gmail.com. The objective is to exchange experiences in the use of plugins, filters, etc. Thank you.
That's exactly what this forum is for! Stay here, see what others are doing and having problems with, post your questions, and keep it public so that others can learn too.

I hope that's a disposable e-mail address. Because a bunch of spambots (and other undesirables) are going to pick it up from this publicly-readable site. NEVER put your personal information directly online like that.