Question / Help OBS Studio Choppy recordings


New Member
How do i change it from intel to nvidia? I can't find it in the settings and on the nvidia control panel it says it's already on it?
From NVIDIA Control Panel
3D Settings->Manage 3D Settings
Tab "Global setttings"
Preferred Graphics Processor
Select : High performance NVIDIA rocessor
you killed cpu with 1080p60 35k cbr
why did you turn buffer to zero?????? dont mess with it and disable custom size

switch to QSV as in picture, or use simple mode QSV high quality

install coreAudio - info in my signature

you still need to sort out obs running on intel. it needs to use nvidia - im not sure whats the problem, never used multi gpu laptop.
14:36:23.470: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (0)
maybe install latest nvidia driver - run DDU in safe mode before installing new one and clean NVIDIA

installing latest intel driver wont hurt also,
use DDU same way and clean INTEL this time

is the panel in this laptop 60hz or more?


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New Member
Okay so i uninstalled and went back default and put in the setting that you had me and it seems to be working! thank you for dealing with this i really appreicate it! :)