Question / Help OBS studio causing horrible FPS in game?


New Member
Okay, so I have this problem to where if I have OBS open the game will run horribly, but when I don't it runs 300FPS+
I've turned the settings down to the minimal [Even though I was able to stream 720p 60FPS easily] and still doing the same thing. Any ideas?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hi! Please post a log that from a session where the issue you're describing occurs. However, since you mentioned 300+ FPS in-game, you should probably cap your in-game FPS to something more reasonable so that your game and OBS don't constantly fight for GPU resources.


New Member
Pretty sure im having this issue as well but I have no long to offer because I just have to have OBS open for it to happen. Rocket League caps at ~30fps and CSGO ~40fps. Normally RL is an easy 60fps V-Synced and CSGO is 150fps+