I've labelled this a bug but if it's thought to be anything else, mods do please correct me.
Went recording my YouTube videos I use FRAPS to record the gameplay, OBS to capture my webcam, and Audacity to get my mic input. The other day I got an update for OBS Studio, so I went ahead and installed it. Since then when using OBS Studio (and I've tried both 32 and 64 bit versions) I seem to get clicks through any recording I make in Audacity. With or without FRAPS, as long as OBS Studio isn't running there aren't any problems with the Audacity recording. Same goes if I use OBS Classic instead - though this isn't preferred back the video format that's outputted then needs to be converted to one I can use in my editor.
Wondering if A) Anyone else has had this? B) Are there any solutions to it as it currently is? C) Is this something that'll hopefully get patched?
Went recording my YouTube videos I use FRAPS to record the gameplay, OBS to capture my webcam, and Audacity to get my mic input. The other day I got an update for OBS Studio, so I went ahead and installed it. Since then when using OBS Studio (and I've tried both 32 and 64 bit versions) I seem to get clicks through any recording I make in Audacity. With or without FRAPS, as long as OBS Studio isn't running there aren't any problems with the Audacity recording. Same goes if I use OBS Classic instead - though this isn't preferred back the video format that's outputted then needs to be converted to one I can use in my editor.
Wondering if A) Anyone else has had this? B) Are there any solutions to it as it currently is? C) Is this something that'll hopefully get patched?