OBS Studio 0.13.4 update and Black Screen


New Member
After updating OBS Studio today to 0.13.4 (with browser installer) when I try to record Game Capture it goes to black screen. Same thing with Display Capture. Deleted source, tried again, no dice, doesn't matter if I check any fullscreen app or select it from dropdown, it's not working.

Suslik V

Active Member
Black screen...

First, Please post a log with your issue! Here's how...

Second, post your log, with recording attempt, please:
  1. make a record
  2. stop it, don't close OBS Studio
  3. upload current log-file
  4. close OBS Studio.
Third, check this post: OBS Studio Game Capture Not Working At All

Fourth, you can run obs studio in portable mode. Follow: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-and-obs-studio-portable-mode-on-windows.359/ add OBS Studio portable folder to the trust list of your security software, restart PC, run game, run Studio, add single Game Capture source, make source Fit to Screen, alt-tab to the game few times (try to pause game when alt-tabbing). If unsuccessful - close Studio and try to run simple input like fr-043 demo, run Studio and repeat.

PetraSalts,,OriginaLz post your results separately.