Question / Help OBS Streaming Problem


New Member

I recently got a new computer and finally got everything set up and ready to stream to Twitch. My new computer is far better than my old one, but for some reason the stream won't work (it worked fine on my old computer). For example, I click start stream and wait for a few minutes and it still shows nothing (0kbs) are being uploaded. I have ensured my Twitch stream key is correct; however, it no matter what I do Twitch shows my account as "offline."

In a previous thread I saw someone having a similar issue and had is problem resolved my somehow removing the "encoder: x264" but if I removed that the only other option I would be left with is "Hardware (NVENC)" -- when I try to use the hardware encoder option the start stream button isn't even clickable.

I apologize if this is a dumb question but I am not very good at this. Also my last log is: