Question / Help OBS Stream Laggs though decent PC


New Member
Hi, today I was trying to stream RE7 but my stream kept lagging pretty badly at some point and I can't really explain myself why I'm losing so many frames.

I was trying to stream the game in 720p on 30FPS.

My PC Specs are:

Windows 10 Home
Mainboard: MSI H81M-E34 (MS-7817)
CPU: i-4790
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
Ram: 16GB DDR3
OBS Studio and my Operation System both are located on a SSD and the Video Game is located on a HDD

My OBS Studio Settings will I post in Screenshots.

EDIT: These are the following things I have tried.
Changing from veryfast to ultrafast.
switching between server (Usually I use Frankfurt or Amsterdam)

EDIT2: While Streaming my CPU doesn't really go higher than 40~60% I was monitoring it in Tast-Manager

EDIT3: Something weird happend, I changed my OBS Studios Language to English and it started working normally all of the sudden, even on high graphics I barely lose any frames.B


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