Bug Report OBS stops sending data to encoder


New Member
Hello all, this is my first time posting here, sorry if this is a known issue. This happened twice both times on different PCs and we have to know the reason why OBS seems to stop sending data to our encoder/YouTube.

I'm not sure if that's what actually happened, but the little colored icon in the lower right of OBS's screen turns red and YouTube also says that they're not receiving any data. We've been streaming and recording at the same time.

I've attached the crash report below, but please note that I had to edit out file names and addresses to protect privacy.
As can be seen from the report, we're using a high-end PC to stream and we've used two different high-end PCs and this issue happened on both PCs, so we're hypothesizing that it isn't an issue with the PC or the specs of the PC.

On another note, since we restarted OBS without stopping stream or recording, the recorded file seems to be broken. If anyone could tell us how we could recover that file, it would be great help.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • 2020-05-09 20-41-16.txt
    27.4 KB · Views: 11
Last edited:


New Member
Here's another log, sorry I didn't notice this file earlier


  • 2020-05-09 13-30-04.txt
    40.6 KB · Views: 4