OBS stopped recording by itself


New Member
Hello. I've been using OBS for 6 months to record online lectures (mostly Zoom). I don't use it for anything else. I've recorded dozens of lectures, so far, without issues.

Today, something very strange happened. I was recording a lecture as usual (9:30am to 1:30pm, give or take), and I periodically checked to see if it was recording, as I normally do, and everything seemed ok everytime. When the lecture ended, I quit the Zoom meeting and Alt+Tab'd to OBS to stop the recording. As expected, it was recording and I hit "Stop Recording". So far, so good, everything looked as good as always.

Next, I go check the video files, as I do everytime, before I copypaste them to my backup folder. I notice there are two files, which seemed odd. I check the first one, and it seemed to end 30min before the end of the lecture. I check the other one, and it only has 7 seconds, which are quitting the Zoom meeting, and going to OBS to stop the recording. The 30min in between the two videos are completely missing.

I searched here in the forums and on the internet, and so far have not been able to find out what happened or why:

- I checked the logs and they just show the recorging being stopped 3 hours and 15 minutes after the start, and starting up again 7 seconds before I manually end it; the logs are here if anybody else is able to see something I can't: https://pastebin.com/Tix2x5iU

- My PC is a HP Envy x360 ultrabook, less than a year old, with a Ryzen 7 with AMD Radeon Graphics, 16gb of ram, 512gb SSD. It is the laptop I have always used to record with OBS, without any problems so far. I checked to see if the SSD had filled up, and it still has over 200gb free. I didn't notice the fans kicking up at any time. My connection was a wired connection only used by this laptop while recording, and I didn't notice any connection hiccups while on the lecture.

- I don't have any hotkey setup to start or stop the recording. I checked and the only hotkey I have set up is the Space Bar to push-to-talk. Similarly, I don't have any Output Timer set.

What else can I check? How can I prevent this from happening again?