OBS Running out of Resources? New to me...


New Member
I've been using OBS now in Arch Linux for almost a year now. Recently (last couple of streams), I've had this issue where my frame rate will drop about half way through my stream. This never used to happen.
I'll admit, I have a ton of scenes but I only really use a handful of them (5 or 6 maybe) per stream. But I have never seen it go from clear video to choppy video. Not like it is now.
System Specs: Arch Linux (current version... I update before shutting down after a stream), 32GB RAM, 8GB Radeon RX 480 (I just upgraded from a 2GB video card... could this be the culprit?), 1 TB (/home) drive, 500 GB main (/) drive (I have plenty of space on both drives), The computer is a ThinkServer TS140. I know that computer is slightly old but like I said, I recently started having these issues.
My initial thought is, the video card is using more resources than the old one did. But I would expect going from 2GB to 8GB would be a good step. Maybe I have the wrong drivers for it? I don't know.
If someone has any ideas where I need to go to grab the right drivers (or make sure I have the right drivers installed) I'd appreciate any input.