OBS running for a moment and suddenly quits


New Member
I've been having a quitting issue with my obs. whenever I click on the application, it loads up my obs scene, and sometimes may even run for 40-50 mins of livestream and then closes the application. It will even close the obs application even if you are not live streaming or recording, as though there is some timer closing the application or someone quitting it invisibly.

I have made some observations:

  1. I took the laptop home, connected to my internet at home and live streamed for over an hour and obs did not quit.
  2. I disconnect laptop from internet connect completely and leave obs window open for days and it does not quit, however, once I connect the laptop to the internet in our office space, after sometime OBS will quit even if you are not live streaming or recording, it just closes.
Things I've tried that haven't worked:

  1. restart application and pc
  2. update windows and obs
  3. run obs as administrator
  4. disable windows firewall
  5. updated my drivers/graphics card
I don't know what to do now and its frustrating and has been 3 weeks now. hope someone here can help me out. Here is my obs upload log: https://obsproject.com/logs/cQkD1VK2Bo92TlRC

Crash log: https://obsproject.com/logs/vBIOsObToja0pBUY


Active Member
The log file indicates OBS is already running, or in your case still running. So it doesn't quit suddenly, it still runs.
The crash log is from one month ago, not current.