Question / Help OBS Recordings Sometimes Freezing for the first 4-5 seconds.

meow a cat

New Member
Hi, sometimes when I start a local recording with OBS the video will freeze for the first 2-10 seconds or so, it varies, but the sound plays back properly. This has been driving me up the wall as it's ruining some clips, but it doesn't always happen - just every so often. Generally they record fine, but maybe 40% of the time they freeze at the beginning and often ruin a clip.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I've attached a log.

Edit: I just wanted to add, these recordings are meant to be used with Premiere Pro and uploaded to YouTube, so if anyone has some suggestions for ideal settings, that would be awesome too.


  • 2017-03-25 14-07-52.txt
    107.9 KB · Views: 29
Well, first thing to do would be trying to make the issue reproducable. "Just every so often" could imply that something else is interfering. For your next recording disable any unecessary applications running in the background that you don't need for the recording itself, i.e. anti virus software, any kind of chat clients and what not.
And for those with deeper knowledge about the log file. What is that mean:
14:08:18.123: rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''

meow a cat

New Member
Hi zion, thanks for the help!

I've cut it down to the bare minimum of things I need running during a recording session:

Adobe Premiere CC 2014, OBS Studio, the game I'm recording, and Chrome. I'll try doing some recordings and update if it's still happening.

meow a cat

New Member
I like to edit as I record, it helps me see where things fit in to my video better. Like, as soon as the clip is done recording I'll put it into premiere. It helps me keep continuity with the last clip during live recordings.

meow a cat

New Member
I forgot to mention, the game I'm recording is Old School Runescape, so it's not demanding in the least. I feel my computer should be able to handle recording it at 1080p.. I don't know, if any one has any suggestions I'm more than willing to try them out.
  1. Adobe Premiere, depending on what it does exactly, can be demanding for every computer. Just to make sure it does not cause the issue I would take it out of the equation for the next couple of times.
  2. Open the task manager performance tab to monitor your system's performance during recording.
  3. Check your OS and driver patch levels and update if necessary/possible.
  4. Check the integrity of the drive you're recording to.
  5. Checking the RAM also crosses my mind, although that shouldn't cause it.