OBS Recordings is laggy, but doesn't lag while playing

Help! I downloaded OBS Studio, and I started recording on my windows HP Computer. I didn't notice any lag at all, which was amazing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, because when I got the output video for my video, the footage was choppy. I searched up every possible solutions, nothing worked. Please help!


Active Member
17:31:39.174: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 1963 (4.3%)
17:31:39.176: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
17:33:51.052: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 2123/2220 (95.6%)
You're trying to encode at x264 Placebo (which should never actually be used, even on a system that CAN handle it) while running on an AMD APU... which are notoriously anemic, to put it politely. Less polite is to call them 'facebook and email machines'.
You're also overloading your GPU, meaning OBS isn't getting the small bit of time it needs to tend to housekeeping tasks.

Swap your encoder preset to Ultrafast, using CQP or CRF target encoding if you're recording locally. This will result in very large files, but you'll be able to re-encode them later to bring the file size down, and it shouldn't overwhelm your CPU.
Run OBS as Administrator to enable the GPU priority workaround, which may allow OBS to reserve GPU time ahead of the program you're trying to record.