OBS Recordings filled with lag


New Member
Hello, I must say I love how flexible of a program obs is, but I'm having a little problem with the framerate of my recordings. I don't remember if the game itself was lagging or the recording itself was. I was streaming and recording XCOM 2 on my desktop (Which is pretty high end):

Win 10
GTX 980 Ti
intel i7 6700k 4GHz
0.5 GB SSD

I've also experienced random computer freezes (freezes mid game with a mono sound that plays presumably the sound that was playing at the time of the freeze. Only way to fix is pressing the power button.)

I did a bit of research and it told me that my stream settings are a bit too high for a non partnered streamer. But this shouldn't affect recording right? The next day I turned the fps in the Video settings to 30 and it seemed to lower the CPU usage from near 99% to a fluctuating amount around 60% to 90% which suggested that the recording settings are way too high. Yet I've been recording with other softwares such as dxtory, mirillis, and fraps all at 60 and 1080p and this has never been an issue. In fact those softwares record video files many GBs larger yet I have never had lag or crashings. I would be fine with recording 30 fps because youtube only takes 30 fps, but I'd prefer to be able to record at 1080p if possible.


New Member
The log files for the laggy recordings were on the 12th and the crash was on the 13th.


  • 2016-03-12 13-45-16.txt
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  • 2016-03-12 23-56-58.txt
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  • 2016-03-13 01-19-59.txt
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Active Member
The log files for the laggy recordings were on the 12th and the crash was on the 13th.
you are streaming and recording at two different resolutions which will make two x264 encoders, your 1080@60 stream is set way to high and bitrate way to low. I would switch the recording to NVENC or if you have to use x264, change the x264 preset to ultrafast and buffer to 0, CBR unchecked.

also note that OBS is only reporting 2GB of RAM. if this is something that you actually have, then you should increase this. if you have more, use the 64bit version to enable more.

you are using your CPU alot so note to monitor temps as skylake cannot go past 64C on the IHS (not core temps, package temps)


New Member
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Would streaming at 1080p be a better idea than recording at 2 different resolutions then? I'm not a partnered streamer so I'm not sure how well 1080p is, I would be fine with switching to 30fps, in this case should the stream and recording both be set to 30? Would switching to these settings or what you recommended work better? And what bitrate should I use if I use the settings you gave me?

Is there a way to set obs multiplat to use more RAM? My comp has 16gb free.


Active Member
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Would streaming at 1080p be a better idea than recording at 2 different resolutions then? I'm not a partnered streamer so I'm not sure how well 1080p is, I would be fine with switching to 30fps, in this case should the stream and recording both be set to 30? Would switching to these settings or what you recommended work better? And what bitrate should I use if I use the settings you gave me?

Is there a way to set obs multiplat to use more RAM? My comp has 16gb free.
no, but as I stated before, you can use a hardware encoder such as NVENC for the recording OR use a faster preset and buffer to 0 to increase the local recording's quality.