Question / Help OBS Recording Not Showing up AFTER Stopping Recording (MAC)

Judah Huffman

New Member
My recording path is going to my desktop on my iMac and is exporting as a mp4. Never had this issue but all of sudden when I stop recording, no matter where I path my file to go, the file never shows up in my finder.

Thanks a ton!


It looks like the file is written correctly, but please check your filename formatting (under Advanced settings), because it doesn't have a proper filename.

The filename is '' - you shouldn't put the file extension in the formatting field because it will be added automatically depending on your container.

I'm not a Mac user, but I assume it's the same way on all *nix systems where files beginning with a dot are hidden, so that's probably why you can't see it.

Start a Terminal and type 'ls -a' on your desktop and the files you've been recording should be there :)