Hi all,
Basically, on my screen in real life there is no graininess and it's not boxy at all. On the recording you can tell there's a little bit, but when you upload it to YouTube it REALLY comes out and you can tell really bad.I have a 32" 1360x768 Dynex TV as my monitor, if that even matters.
Screenshot of recording: https://gyazo.com/0f31f9bf725a8d77b96897e3b649f95b (sky is noticeably grainy)
YouTube Video of same recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv53-bappeU (it's terrible I know)
I've been messing around with my OBS settings so I could upload videos to YouTube. I'm using the settings that every single YouTube I watched recommended.
Settings: https://gyazo.com/699e419ecfdfe9c2255f267e41f34dfd
Also, here is my log for the recording as I know that's very important.
I have tried literally everything. VBR, CRF, different bit rates, different resolutions, you name it I've probably tried it. I just don't understand the logs and I'm hoping I'm just missing something painfully obvious and that I'm just an idiot. It's very frustrating because my PC is fairly high-end so I just don't understand why it's like this.
For anyone wondering my specs, I'll give a simple run down.
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7‑6700 3.4 GHz Quad‑Core Processor
RAM: 16GB HyperX Fury
SSD: 850 Samsung EVO 250GB
Basically, on my screen in real life there is no graininess and it's not boxy at all. On the recording you can tell there's a little bit, but when you upload it to YouTube it REALLY comes out and you can tell really bad.I have a 32" 1360x768 Dynex TV as my monitor, if that even matters.
Screenshot of recording: https://gyazo.com/0f31f9bf725a8d77b96897e3b649f95b (sky is noticeably grainy)
YouTube Video of same recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv53-bappeU (it's terrible I know)
I've been messing around with my OBS settings so I could upload videos to YouTube. I'm using the settings that every single YouTube I watched recommended.
Settings: https://gyazo.com/699e419ecfdfe9c2255f267e41f34dfd
Also, here is my log for the recording as I know that's very important.
I have tried literally everything. VBR, CRF, different bit rates, different resolutions, you name it I've probably tried it. I just don't understand the logs and I'm hoping I'm just missing something painfully obvious and that I'm just an idiot. It's very frustrating because my PC is fairly high-end so I just don't understand why it's like this.
For anyone wondering my specs, I'll give a simple run down.
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7‑6700 3.4 GHz Quad‑Core Processor
RAM: 16GB HyperX Fury
SSD: 850 Samsung EVO 250GB