Question / Help OBS recorded the entire screen anyway, even though window capture was selected...


New Member
Hi guys,

Can anybody help me out with this issue? I'm running Linux (Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.1), and I was trying to record an event today. I set things up to record just one window, and I had the event running in that window. The window was not maximized, because I needed to see some other apps I had running and make it so my chat popups wouldn't be captured, so I thought I was golden.

Apparently I wasn't golden, because once the event was over and I went back to review the recording, I found that it had recorded the entire desktop, including all the stuff I didn't want it to record. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? Because now I have to go back and try to edit all that stuff out, which is going to be very time consuming. I guess I was really hoping that "Window Capture" meant to capture the contents of the designated window.

Thanks in advance!



New Member
Yep. I had Window Capture selected, and the correct window was also selected. I had the event that I was trying to record running in a separate Chrome window just for this purpose. The preview window also looked ok, with the red border around the window I was trying to record too. So, still not sure why it recorded the entire screen anyway.

Next time, I'll just have to resort to my earlier plan and kill a couple of the chat apps that I usually have running that show a lot of popups and cause me to have to spend hours editing the recording to try to remove or blur them. I wanted to just record that one window so that I wouldn't capture the popups, thinking I could save myself some editing time that way. I guess it doesn't work like that. :-/


Community Helper
So are you saying you confirmed it was only recording the window, and even if you moved things on top of the window, the preview only showed the window you were capturing? And the final output did not match what was previewed?


Can you post the JSON file (located in ~/.config/obs-studio/basic/scenes) of your scenes and logs after some recording?