Question / Help OBS random freezing during stream


New Member
I'm getting random freezing during streams and I'm not sure what I can do to fix it. I notice this "02:44:16.018: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 7987 (0.4%)" and think it might be the problem. I'm on Win7 64bit and updated all of my drivers, tried reinstalling OBS and different settings, but nothing seems to help.


New Member
I would like to avoid those options if possible. I didn't have this problem with OBS classic, but I like the features of studio.


New Member
I've seen similar threads with rendering stalls where someone has an even stronger processor than mine like an i7 6700k. I'd hate to get newer hardware to have the same problem. I guess I'm testing classic again

update: The rendering stalls don't happen for me on OBS Classic with a veryfast preset, but I would really like to use the feature set of Studio.
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