Question / Help OBS produced video, when uploaded to Slack, does not show preview


New Member

Sorry, I don't know if this would be categorized as a Question/Help request or a Bug request.

The problem I am experiencing is that when I upload a video produced by OBS as a .mov or .mp4 to Slack, Slack recognizes that the file is a video and shows the video inside a video player, which is fine and good, but it does not show the first frame. It just shows a black screen. See the attached screenshot "slack-no-first-frame-preview-image.png". (Please note that the MacOS Finder does show the first frame of the OBS-produced video when browsing files.)

Since Slack normally seems to be able to show the first frame of a video, for example, if I record my screen using QuickTime Player, then it looks like this in Slack: "slack-when-it-works.png", then I am wondering if there is something amiss in the video produced by OBS?

Here is a log file of a simple OBS recording that produces a video that, when uploaded to Slack, is recognized by Slack as a video, but the first frame is NOT shown:



  • slack-no-first-frame-preview-image.png
    45.9 KB · Views: 28
  • slack-when-it-works.png
    148.5 KB · Views: 26


New Member
Since posting this first message, I have noticed that if I record my screen using QuickTime Player (Version 10.4 (855)), and then use HandBrake (Version 1.0.7 (2017040900)) to convert the .mov to a .mp4, then Slack does not show the first frame of the video either. Therefore, I think this whole thing is most likely a problem with how Slack figures out how to preview a video, rather than anything to do with OBS.
