Obs problems on Ubuntu

I installed Obs on linux Ubuntu.
I use this camera for filming
I also connected PC to this screen
But I have some problems:
The images are slow, they are displayed a little in slow motion
Audio is not heard
Videos are recorded in .mkv format
The Ubuntu desktop image continues to appear on the external display
Can you help me solve these problems?
Thank you.


Active Member
The images are slow, they are displayed a little in slow motion
According to the Amazon page, that camera has a slow motion feature. Is it turned on?

Audio is not heard
Need more detail of your audio settings. There are several threads in several forums about reworking OBS's audio system, but for now, it's scattered across several different places. Poke around the UI and see what you can discover. If you get stuck, post some screenshots of what you've found so far.

Videos are recorded in .mkv format
That's good! MKV doesn't lose everything if OBS crashes or the computer loses power, etc. And a lot of things take it directly, so no need to worry about compatibility. If you really *need* MP4, OBS can remux it either automatically when the recording stops, or you can manually tell it to remux everything in the recording directory. You don't lose quality that way; it's just a bit-for-bit copy into a different container.
You can also tell it to record directly to MP4, but if it doesn't finish correctly, you lose the entire recording.

The Ubuntu desktop image continues to appear on the external display
Like the audio, this needs more detail too. What are you trying to do?
These are some screenshots of the audio video settings, what could I change to turn on the audio and to make the camera images faster? Now I'm in slow motion, now I will also check the camera.
Is it possible to set the video recording format to mp4?


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The video camera was set to slow motion but now I set it to "normal"
But in Obs I keep seeing the images with latency, what settings could I change to have the images in real time? Could there be a driver problem?


Active Member
Is it possible to set the video recording format to mp4?
Yes, but you really don't want to. Record in MKV to avoid data loss, then either use that directly or remux afterwards to MP4.
Explore the settings. You'll find it soon enough. :-)

These are some screenshots of the audio video settings, what could I change to turn on the audio and to make the camera images faster? Now I'm in slow motion, now I will also check the camera.

The video camera was set to slow motion but now I set it to "normal"
Did that fix the audio too? I would expect that the camera would not send audio in slo-mo mode.

But in Obs I keep seeing the images with latency, what settings could I change to have the images in real time? Could there be a driver problem?
There will always be *some* latency. The question is how much. And how much can you tolerate? If you need perceptively instant, then you should look at a dedicated hardware video mixer, not a computer.
Setting the camera to "normal" did not solve the audio problem, the audio is not present, if I try to speak, the audio indicator bar does not move, what could it be?

Image latency is quite unpleasant.

Then the PC is connected to the external screen that I indicated above, and the connection works because I see the Ubuntu desktop, how can I view the images taken by the video camera on the external screen?


Active Member
Setting the camera to "normal" did not solve the audio problem, the audio is not present, if I try to speak, the audio indicator bar does not move, what could it be?
Well, your screenshot only has the desktop audio connected to something. If you don't have an audio source in the scene, then that's all you have. Depending on how you're going to use it, you'll want to add one or the other.

Then the PC is connected to the external screen that I indicated above, and the connection works because I see the Ubuntu desktop, how can I view the images taken by the video camera on the external screen?
Right-click the Preview or Program window -> Fullscreen Projector -> desired screen
Hello, I searched but forgive me but I "preview or program" I can not find them and even where to set the output format in mp4.
As for the audio I don't know if I understood correctly, but should I add a new capture source as I did for the video by selecting the camera as the video capture device?
In practice I should always add the same camera but as an audio capture source?
Can you explain better how it works?
Thank you!


Active Member
There are lots of ways to do the same thing. Which one you use depends on what other effects you want. For example:
You could set a global audio source in Settings -> Audio, and that will always be there for every Scene.
Or you could create an Audio Source specific to that Scene, and that will stop when you switch to a different Scene, and restart when you come back.

At some point you'll have to just poke around and see what you find. Experiment, and test *everything* as you're going to use it, *before* you depend on it.

Videos are recorded in .mkv format
That's good! MKV doesn't lose everything if OBS crashes or the computer loses power, etc. And a lot of things take it directly, so no need to worry about compatibility. If you really *need* MP4, OBS can remux it either automatically when the recording stops, or you can manually tell it to remux everything in the recording directory. You don't lose quality that way; it's just a bit-for-bit copy into a different container.
You can also tell it to record directly to MP4, but if it doesn't finish correctly, you lose the entire recording.
Is it possible to set the video recording format to mp4?
Yes, but you really don't want to. Record in MKV to avoid data loss, then either use that directly or remux afterwards to MP4.
Explore the settings. You'll find it soon enough. :-)
I can not find ... where to set the output format in mp4.
It's one of the easier things to find. Again, at some point you'll have to just explore for yourself.
And you never say *why* you need a bad idea. You just repeatedly say you want it. In this case, it's possible, but it makes me wonder what else you're going to insist on that isn't.
The community is not going to "micro-support" you. You might get a "revolving door" of individuals at best, but when they all give up, that's all you get.

What are you trying to do?
You never answered that either. Often "the way to do it" is completely different from the path you started on and insist on keeping. Without the overall goal, we can't see that any more than you can.

By the way,
I installed Obs on linux Ubuntu.
How? There are several ways to get the official code, each of which gets you a different version and a different set of plugins pre-installed, and countless more that get you someone else's custom build that you really need to ask them about, not us. I wonder if that's part of the problem here.
I understand that this is not a micro assistance, but I'm trying to understand and I've searched the net but I can't find some things, if I look in settings I see that under "output" there is a menu where you can choose the format, but this is locked in mkv format, it is not possible by clicking on the drop-down menu to view other formats and change the choice.
I also added the audio capture device which is always the same camera but when choosing between the options there is "custom" and "Intel", I assume Intel is the microphone of the PC but the camera to be used as a microphone is not seen That's why I'm in trouble.


Active Member
I understand that this is not a micro assistance, but I'm trying to understand and I've searched the net but I can't find some things, if I look in settings I see that under "output" there is a menu where you can choose the format, but this is locked in mkv format, it is not possible by clicking on the drop-down menu to view other formats and change the choice.
I also added the audio capture device which is always the same camera but when choosing between the options there is "custom" and "Intel", I assume Intel is the microphone of the PC but the camera to be used as a microphone is not seen That's why I'm in trouble.
That needs screenshots. I have no idea what you're looking at. But I *can* say that different parts of the same concept are often on different pages. Look everywhere. Just because you found it in one place doesn't mean that's all there is.

If you end up finding the solution yourself, don't forget to come back and post that too, with enough detail that someone else can follow it, so that someone else who thinks like you can solve their problem the same way.
Hi, I restarted the computer and the problem of blocking the format settings is gone and I was able to set the output format to mp4.
Here's a screenshot of when I add the audio capture source which would be the microphone of the camera, but I don't see the camera as a device, I see Intel, I assume it refers to the computer.
Having connected the camera as a video source and wanting to use the audio from the camera's microphone, do we need to add an audio source as well or just add the camera? Could the fact that I don't hear sound be a driver problem?
I did other tests and also with another pc, I don't understand how to use the audio of the external camera, I can add it as a video source but when I choose to capture the audio in a personalized way only the microphone of the PC is displayed, same thing if I add a new audio source, the camera microphone does not appear, what am I doing wrong?
Hi, the two commands, executed before and after the video camera is connected, give an identical result, from what I see there is only the internal video camera of the PC, the one I connect is not.
But I don't understand, using Obs, the external camera is seen as a video source, it's the audio that is missing.
To start Obs I type LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 obs
several "Failed"s also appear but then Obs starts, maybe I'm doing it wrong by launching it this way?


Active Member
If lsusb doesn't change, then the camera is not a USB device at all. Are you sure you're reporting correctly? It's only one line different. arecord -L will give you a bigger change, if it's an audio input.

...several "Failed"s also appear but then Obs starts...
Based on this entire thread, I don't think you're capable of describing anything usefully. Copy/paste text, take screenshots, recordings, etc., or it didn't happen.