Question / Help OBS & Photoshop not cooperating - CPU over 100%


New Member
I'm an artist, and a large part of my job is livestreaming my work 5 - 8 hours a day every weekday. So this is a pretty urgent issue for me. Every day I don't solve it is a day I'm potentially losing money.

Photoshop started lagging while I stream out of literally no where. To the point where it's unworkable. My strokes don't appear until a full second after I've made them.

I opened the Activity Monitor. OBS was using over 110% CPU. Sometimes it dropped to 70-something, once I even got it down to 50 and 20, but as soon as I actually started broadcasting it shot right back up to 80+. (I already fixed the Chrome Helper bit so ignore that)

I uninstalled and reinstalled OBS and restarted my computer several times. I tried lowering all of my settings but nothing has had any substantial effect. I got rid of my face cam since apparently using that can up the CPU. Got it down to the 30s, until I started broadcasting. Right back up to 100.

UPDATE I got it down to an average 70 - 80, but it's still impossible to work PS. I have already tried these:
- uninstalling/reinstalling OBS
- restarting computer
- lowering OBS resolution & settings
- removing webcam
- uninstalling ~20 unnecessary applications
- manually removing leftovers & plist files for several unused applications
- clearing Photoshop's cache
- clearing desktop of 90% of non-essential files to open up storage
- downloading previous versions of OBS (for some reason no matter which I download it automatically upgrades to 11.2)
- using another stream host
- using Display Capture instead of Window Capture

It must be something between OBS and Photoshop, because OBS by itself is comfortable at 20% or so. But as soon as I turn on window capture or display capture, it jumps to 40 - 60% and just keeps climbing.

This is a recent problem. It only started lagging on Monday. Before that I never had any issues whatsoever.
Using Window Capture is a big no-no on Mac OS X, so with a program like Photoshop always use Display Capture (which you can crop with a filter if you so wish). Other than that I can not help you, sorry.


New Member
See, people have told me that, but I used it successfully for over a year with absolutely no trouble. And now Display Capture is having all the same problems as Window Capture, so that's not the issue.