Bug Report OBS + nVidia surround = not working


New Member
So recently, as far as I can tell, after an OBS update or nVidia driver update, Capturing results in a black screen (Window, Display and Game) when nVidia surround is enabled. It worked fine in the past, not sure exactly what caused it but everything I've tried to resolve it has been fruitless. It works perfectly fine when Surround is disabled, with SLI enabled. I even went as far as reinstalling Windows completely, but still no luck. A point of interest is that OpenGL capture seems to work OK, but Direct3D 11 capture just produces a black screen. Totally clueless as to what may be causing this so any troubleshooting help would be greatly appreciated. The system is running SLI GTX 980's on Windows 10.

Log file:



New Member
Hey there,

Bumping this because I'm having the same issue, SLI + Nvidia surround setup, can't seem to get anything working anymore. When surround is deactivated, everything works fine, but as soon as it is on, I always get a black screen, game capture and screen region aswell.


Active Member
That resolution is unsupported by x264 afaik. Try downscaling to below 4096x1080 and see if it records.