OBS not recording audio from OBS.ninja browser source


New Member
Hi guys, new user/enthusiast here
I'm facing some weird bahavior for a few days and, and being all new to the whole stuff, was not able to produce a log file yet since the problem occurs erratically, so this is more to explain my workaround in case someone else is getting the same.. Case is I lost an entire interview because no audio was captured from obs.ninja browser sources. Didn't find anything similar in the forums, hence this post.

I was recording MP4, without messing with advanced settings, same as I usually do. Had three guests via obs.ninja, two of them abroad, and everything looked fine during the session, the bars on the mixer moving normally, being able to monitor and all. It looked fine. But no audio track was recorded. After finding this out, I rebooted the whole system and the next test I did, without changing anything, the problem was gone. Then it happened two more times, I messed around with advanced settings and got to this, no more awkard behavior after that (for two days now).
Captura de tela 2020-10-06 185940.jpg

Since I have another 3 interviews scheduled, here's what I did for precaution: I'm taking audio in from 3 obs.ninja browser sorces, ok, and redirecting desktop audio ( which contains the combine audio from the obs.ninja room) to audacity by changing the monitor device to VB cable and recording that. The chrome 'tab recorder' extensions don't apply since most of them have recording time limitations.

Captura de tela 2020-10-06 190836.jpg

This way I have a backup audio, a little poorer in quality, but one that prevents a big waste of time to everyone involved. I don't know if live transmissions are affected, hope they are not since I would have no workaround for that scenario.

Thanks a lot for all your efforts, as soon as this turns to profit (if it does) I'll make sure to revert some on your general direction. I'll post this to the ninja subreddit as well. Be safe guys!


New Member
Talked to Steve (obs ninja) about this and he pointed out that it must be an OBS issue, as obs.ninja is obviously delivering the audios correctly, the mixer bars moving and all. But for now I just can't use that in the recording session, since it got quite unreliable for me. For now I'm just use disabling the 'control sound via obs' in all browser sources and recording the desktop audio with some filtering. Just to be on the safe side, I'm recording a second instance of the desktop audio on audacity via monitor device/VB Cable. Can you guys look into it? It would be really nice to get individual guest audios, and to apply filters accordingly, since it is impossible for me to ask people to tweek their own microphones (some of them are just too old to learn new tricks).


New Member
Well I was burned by a very similar issue a couple of days ago.

After careful advance testing of the whole chain, I went filming a live concert and used OBS to stream to YT.
The A/V source was [a BMD mixer] connected via a BlackMagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder (appears as "Blackmagic Device" in OBS)
Despite correct VU display in OBS Audio Mixer, I should have been alarmed by YT Studio complaining about insufficient audio throughput (but I had tons of other things to look after), and indeed, there was no audible sound in the YT live stream. Furthermore, the local recording made in OBS had no sound either (audio track is there, as shown by MediaInfo, but there is only silence) !
Since the YT Studio interface lacks VU meters, I had no clue (beside the discreet warning about insufficient audio throuput) about something going wrong.
This is weird and scary as I have another identical session in a few days....I just retested everything today at home and could NOT repro the issue !!!! Crossing fingers.....