Question / Help OBS not connecting to twitch


New Member
I stream on twitch just about everyday M-F and today Aug. 1st I tried to stream and was not able to connect to twitch servers, and would get a error saying I couldn't connect to the server, I changed my stream key and it didn't work initially, so I tried and tried again, restarting OBS helped but my frames would drop as high as 200 frames! maybe there is a update coming up? I don't know or it could be on twitch's side too, I really don't know. All I know is I couldn't stream today and hope the problem is solved or I can get some info by Monday next week, anyone else having problems? And before anyone asks if its my internet it shouldn't be I get 50 down, and 11 up even on peak times. The weather here has been 103 so it maybe a comcast involving black outs or something.


New Member
I'll see if I can send a file log, but the thing is I've been streaming at the same settings for weeks with no problems, I can tell cause my viewers and mods would tell me if there is buffering like it was earlier today, sometimes there might be a League of Legends tourney going on to set off the stream but like I said I've never seen OBS have that many dropped frames before, also I'm running games off of xbox 360, so the CPU or GPU usage is all being solely used by the elgato and OBS. I may test it out again tomorrow and put up a update.
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Quoting the log file:
16:55:44: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
16:55:44: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
16:55:45: [rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] User stopped the stream

It says that the connection is successful, and that you stop it for whatever reason again. That "User stopped the stream" message doesn't happen unless it's initiated via the user.


New Member
yeah I stopped it cause it was dropping frames, honestly I will check again, and see I seriously think the hot weather effects my internet, so I'll try again, more than likely it will be fixed, if not I'll maybe post on here again with a follow up


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Forum Moderator
I'll make sure to add more information about dropped frames in the log file -- though generally other than that you weren't having any connection issues. What I would recommend is check your internet connection to make sure you can handle the bandwidth you're trying to send out.


New Member
Update I am streaming or trying to now as we speak, I did a speed test and the results were 72 download and 11 upload so I know its not my internet I even lowered my bit rate to 3000 and tried to go up to 48 fps, what I'm experiencing now is a stutter during streaming it can be a second or it can a big hick up here is the latest log, OBS crashed last time I tried to change my settings.


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Try lowering your output resolution to 960x540. I want to see if that will help at all. Also, if you get a crash, please make sure to include the crash report.


New Member
yeah after the crash I restarted obs and that the first log I got, I choose last log not present log, so I was under the impression that was the crash log. I will try changing the resolution, though I've streamed for about 2 weeks without problems with the previous settings, currently I'm using a elgato to stream. Till I can sort my obs settings out.


3000 may be a little high if you are not partnered. For most people, the sweet spot is between 2000 and 2500 with 30-60fps depending CPU and GPU. You are still able to achieve a 720p stream with a 2000 bit rate.


New Member
cherrybrola I think I've reduced to 2500 and have still had the same results, I might try again but honestly I've been reduced to just streaming straight from my elgato, today I tried again with OBS and was still getting reports about buffering and stutters, I was noticing some audio stuff going on, so it very well could be something to do with wavtap, but thats just me. I've been trying to figure out where the problem lies, I've done countless tests and even did a speed test live on stream to show my internet was running fine, I just don't honestly know.