You have the replay buffer active before you started recording. In this case, recording isn't starting an encoder of its own, it's re-using the encoded data from the replay buffer encoder. A usable data stream can only start with a key frame, so recording is waiting for a keyframe, then it starts writing your video file. A key frame is generated every 250 frames according to your log file (that's the default), and 250 frames with 30 fps is one keyframe every 250/30 = 8.3 seconds. So you have to wait at most 8 seconds for the recording to contain any useful data, if the replay buffer is already active in this moment.
To avoid this small start up delay, you need to make sure the replay buffer is stopped before you start the recording. You can also decrease the keyframe interval, but this will lower the quality for videos created with the CBR rate control such as yours.