Question / Help OBS not allowing console access


New Member
I have a monitor with 2 HDMI ports, when I switch to HDMI2 normally I can access the console, when OBS is recording through Elgato it defaults back to the PC, I can see the console capture working through obs on my other screen but can't get access to the actual console when obs is recording


Forum Moderator
I think we need a better description of what's happening here, e.g. what your setup is, how things are connected, what you're trying to record, etc. There isn't enough context to make sense of the problem you're describing.


Forum Moderator
So the passthrough on the capture card isn't working? You're unable to manually switch your primary monitor to the Elgato's input?


New Member
I'm not sure, the capture is working, it's just that when I'm using OBS I can't change the input from HDMI1 to HDMI2, but only when OBS is capturing