Question / Help OBS nearly locks computer after 3 mins streaming- super lag and streams cuttingout


New Member
Hello! Hope someone can help here.

I have been running obs for some time on my system (3.1ghrz MBP 16g ram, 200gb+ free space on drive, Catalina 10.15.4). Internet speed roughly 200mbp DL and 200mbp upload fiber optic connection)

In the last 3 days suddenly any time I open OBS and start any streaming my computer goes into extreme lag, video locking up to some points freezing for 30-60seconds and more sometimes. WTF is going on.

I have uninstalled obs, reinstalled, uninstalled again and reinstalled the last version before this latest update.

Safebooted, run disk maintenance/first aide.

Called Apple support spent about 2 hours on call going through my system, and trouble shooting everything, then we even
Reinstalled my OSX
Again reinstalled obs, and obs camera plugin

Still no good.

What the hell can i do, is there a secret setting some where that made obs in operable on my system?

Thank you for your help.


New Member
anyone? Bueller!? lol.

just installed new update 25.0.8. and still after about 3 mins drains all computer processing and glitches hard core.

two log files from today and last week attached


  • 2020-05-16 21-13-10.txt
    9.1 KB · Views: 3
  • 2020-05-23 20-32-02.txt
    12.1 KB · Views: 3