Question / Help OBS+NDI: Encoding on the 2nd PC causes stuttering


New Member
My gaming PC has an i7-6700K @ 4.6GHz and a GTX 1080, while m2 2nd PC is a Gigabyte Aero 15w laptop with an i7-7700HQ and a GTX 11060 6GB Mobile version. Both are using OBS 21.1.2 64bit.

I was doing tests to see if using NDI in this scenario was worth doing (seeing as the 7700HQ is a 4 core 8 thread CPU, I thought it could handle dedicated encoding). I tested the following scenarios, all of which I limited the local recording to 6Mbps (I already tested streaming, and my gigabit FIOS connection is most definitely NOT a bottleneck). The desktop and laptop are connected through a gigabit switch, and I can see in multiple programs that when NDI is active that the connection between them is between 120-180 Mbps.
  • Desktop x264 and the veryfast preset: little to no issues, but some frame drops
  • Desktop Nvenc: Almost no frame drops, but looked like 720p video
  • Desktop QuickSync: Almost no frame drops, but looked worse than when using Nvenc
  • Laptop x264 x264 and the veryfast preset: Looked like Nvenc on the desktop but had a TON of lost/dropped frames
  • Laptop Nvenc: Looked even worse than the Laptop x264, but had fewer lost frames
  • Laptop QuickSync: Looks even worse than the Laptop's Nvenc and had the same amount of lost frames
When using x264 on my desktop, even while gaming, OBS reportedly only uses 33% of my CPU and looks pretty decent, while the same settings on my laptop look much worse, and that OBS is reportedly using 70%-85% CPU on the laptop. The weird part is that the preview on the laptop's OBS after being passed through the ethernet cable through NDI looks amazing, pretty much exactly like the OBS preview does on the desktop itself.
The other issue is that the video has lots of stutters when the laptop is doing the encoding in any form: there are lost frames

Basically, using Nvenc on my desktop actually looked better than anything my laptop could encode through NDI.I even tried testing NDI on my laptop with 40Mbps bitrate on Nvenc and Quicksync, and the results were still pretty much the same.

OBS on my laptop does not report a "high encoding", even the CPU utilization is high, and the laptop CPU is going up to 3.4GHz on all 4 cores. Is there something I'm missing, or is the laptop's specs really not enough to handle being a dedicated encoder?